Combo Group Orders

Combo Group Codes
Calendars in our store offering special Combo Group Codes allow for more thematic title variety in your order — at lower minimum quantities, and at no additional cost.
Select calendars in our store with matching Combo Group Codes are eligible to be purchased at lower minimum quantities, if you buy more than one calendar title from the same publisher. For example, you can buy 50 quantity of one calendar title/theme, and 50 quantity of another title/theme from the same publisher, when normally the minimum purchase for either title alone is 100 quantity.
Refer to each product description to determine if it's available for combo customization, indicated by the inclusion of a COMBO GROUP CODE. Searchable products that share the same combo group code can be mixed and matched so long as the:
- combo group codes match
- calendar imprint areas match in size and dimension
- minimum quantity per title is met
You will find the Combo Group Code information under the "Calendar Specification" tab within each calendar product. The 4-digit combo codes are also searchable on our site and will retrieve a listing of same-code calendars available for combination publishing.
Because our website cannot process this special combo pricing schema, we recommend you make a list of your desired products and quantities prior to calling or emailing us with your order. Once we have all of your desired combo selections and quantities, we can send you a price estimate.